Roll the wine around in your mouth, drawing in air at the same time. 让酒在嘴里滚一下,同时吸气。
The brothers usually roll into their studio around midday. 兄弟几个总是要到正午前后才姗姗来到工作室。
Hang on to that thought, let it roll around a bit, and we'll come back to it later with specific examples. 请记住这一点,我们先对其稍做论述,稍后我们再用特定的示例回到这一主题。
Many of us spend the entire workweek looking forward to the weekend, but when Saturday and Sunday actually roll around, we're not necessarily making the most of those precious 48 hours off. 整周的工作时间,我们很多人都在期盼着周末的来到,可当周六周日真的来了,我们却似乎并没有好好的利用这宝贵的48个小时。
Take it with you, he urged me, and roll it around. 你拿去,他竭力劝我,在地上滚。
Each August, when blueberry season would roll around, my mother would prepare me for Aunt Fannie's visit. 每逢八月是蓝莓的成熟期,母亲会让我为芬妮姨妈的到访做好准备。
It will eventually roll out to various markets around the world, including the United States, but China-based Oppo hasn't made any announcements about that yet. 最终将在全球不同市场有售,包括美国,但是这家叫做OPPO的公司还没有就此发表任何声明。
It's the 'I want to roll around on the floor with my dogs' sweater, she says. 她还说,这件衣服成了那种我想和我的狗在地上打滚儿时穿的毛衣。
Disney executives say that if their efforts in China are successful, they'll likely roll out English schools in other countries around the world. 迪士尼管理人士称,如果他们在中国的努力获得成功,那么,他们将有可能在世界其他国家开办英语学校。
One little barrel roll around the Elder Gull, just for fun, and I'm Outcast! 我只是闹着玩儿,绕着海鸥长者来了个桶式翻滚,结果成了弃儿!
A zero-install roll angle of the wrap around fins projectile still has roll moment at zero angle of attack. 卷弧翼与弹身扣合较好,在零攻角下会产生滚转力矩。
Elvis Presley made the music called rock "n" roll popular around the world. 猫王埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的风格使音乐称为摇滚乐受欢迎世界各地。
The one time my desk really got nice and tidy is when "year-end cleanup time" roll around. 我的桌子变得真正整洁的唯一时间是“岁末大扫除日”再来的时候。
We flirt on the grass, gently caress, hug and roll around, tickle each other, wrestle around gently, laugh until we're breathless, then relax by the seaside and watch the sunset and the stars. 我们在草地调情,抚摸,拥抱也滚动,彼此痒痒,搏斗的温柔,笑的气喘喘,然后在海边休息看着日落和星星。
You guys wanna roll around on the floor, you do it in eddie's office, not mine. 你们想在地上打滚就去艾迪的办公室,别在我这胡闹。
When the strip breaks, it springs back around the roll and coils around it. 一旦钢板断裂,它会绕着轧辊回滚并在上面绕线。
Shake, rattle and roll your way around the world as you rack up high scores in this beloved game of luck and strategy! 摇,摇鼓及世界各地推出自己的方式为你在这架运气和战略心爱的游戏高分!
Then let your head roll around heavily, as though it were a football. 让你的头沉重、缓慢地橡皮球一样转圈圈。
The dough should turn into a ball and roll around the processor. 此时,面团应已变成球状,在食品加工机中滚动。
As you roll the mouse around on your desktop, you see a visual symbol, the cursor, move around on the computer screen in the same way. 在桌面上滚动鼠标时,你看见一个视觉符号,即光标以同样的方式在显示屏上移动。
I don't care how much you roll around the office, you can't claim the miles as business travel expense. The hotel was expensive, the food poor, and the Bad weather was the last straw. 在办公室来回晃悠不是你的错,可我不能忍受你把它算在差旅费里。这个旅馆费用昂贵,膳食又差,加上天气恶劣,真叫人受不了。
Plastic buckets and balls roll around in the breeze. 塑料小桶和沙滩球在海风的吹拂下四处滚动。
Where is the round roll Robert rolly rolled around? 罗伯特?罗利的滚圈会滚到哪?
One peculiar thing they do is to roll around in smelly things when they encounter them. 一个奇怪的事是,他们确实会在有臭味的东西周围上打滚,当他们碰见的时候。
Also, they may roll over unexpectedly, churning the waters around them. 冰山也可能出人意料地翻滚,剧烈地搅动周围的水体。
So if you want an extra grand by the time the holidays roll around, start today! 因此如果你想要在假期前获得额外的存款,今天开始!
Roll around, as of a pig in mud. 像一头猪在泥浆中翻动一样。
Just roll around, dad, you'll be all right. 打几个滚,你就没事了。
Second, the dynamic derivate simulating method is adopt to obtain the roll damping derivative of the model rolled around the body coordinate axes; 第二,采用动导数仿真方法,获得模型绕体轴的滚转阻尼导数;
Keepers at a safari park are giving a sick rhino mud treatments by hand as it is too ill to roll around on its own. 斯特灵附近的布莱尔·德拉蒙德野生动物园里的一头犀牛,因生病无法在泥浆中滚动,管理员就用人手在它的身上抹上泥浆,为它的皮肤美容。